After welcoming Ollie, a guest from Sydney, followed by singing along with the John Rowles song, “If I Only Had Time”, Tisiola introduced the subject for discussion along with a warm expression of thanks to our guest speaker, June-Rose. At the same time, Tisiola commended June-Rose for her commitment to EWP and adding that she always endeavours to do her very best with any project she undertakes.
Although highly organised now, June-Rose revealed she had not always been this way. She reflected on the organisational skills she gained when faced with challenges whilst performing secretarial duties in England during her younger age and it is something she has loved ever since.
As she pointed out it is a skill, which can be taught and improved on with practice. Her sincere hope, in sharing the way she manages her time, was that it would bring improvements and empowerments to our lives, as it has to hers.
Mr Google says that organisational skills are defined as follows: “Being focused on different tasks, using hours, time, energy, strength and mental capacity in an effective and efficient way”.
Well, that sounds very manageable. But let’s face it; we are all pretty good at idling time away. It is something most of us do without even noticing what experts we are in doing it. An invisible, latent talent! You know; watch a bit more telly; watch that bird; the cat; that spider on the wall = just a little longer; flick through your smart-phone in case you missed something three minutes ago; just one last coffee - and then – “I’ll get up and do something”. Maybe! And then some of us can add procrastination to the mix. This one is kind of more irritating. You know you’re doing it (nothing or not the thing you should be doing), but you just keep doing it in spite of yourself. I mean, it’s not only daft, this one has a special name, which makes it official and therefore, even more annoying!
So how do we address these two big-ticket items on the time-wasting menu?
Well, we start by deciding what we want to do with our lives. Each day. Each week. Because without first addressing this simple question, we are simply swimming around in a tea cup. And unfortunately for us, the tea cup of life has a hair-crack in it, and the tea (or time in this case), in our cup, is ever so slowly trickling out. We can’t see it, but it is all the time happening.
As June-Rose points out, by establishing what we really want, and what makes us truly happy, we get to identify what the important things are in our lives. And the magic about this, is that we can then prioritise the things in order of importance to us. By doing this, we might also recognise that some things can be deleted from our lives if they no longer serve us positively.
This very simple act of putting things down on paper, frees us up and automatically releases us of the anxiety of swimming around in a bowl of thick foggy soup. It is there in black and white, so we can delete it from our ‘I must remember that,’ and, if need be, return to it later because it is written down.
The other thing about writing things down is we become more in-tune with ourselves. June-Rose likens it to a sub-conscious meditation of who we are while, at the same time, reaffirming to ourselves our values.
By organising our time, we are also reminded to provide revitalising time for ourselves. This is something of special importance for women, who all too often have either forgotten, or sacrificed addressing their own needs. By writing things down, you can see with clarity, where your time is going, what you are achieving, and equally as important, if you are allowing yourself any ‘me’ time.
With clarity, life also runs so much smoother. Not only more fluidly, the flow of energy is also balanced, not erratic.
Because June-Rose operates her own business, she has a separate diary for professional engagements as well as her personal diary and she prepares a daily, and a seven-day roster. As she said, this takes her time to write up in the morning, but it is repaid in duplicate, with the copious number of things she is able to complete in her daily time allotment.
In her business life, it is imperative to June-Rose, that her clients are able to see, just by looking at her website, that she is a highly organised person, by providing all the comprehensive information they require at their finger-tips. These things don’t just happen. They are the result of June-Rose’s extensive experience, expertise, diligence and highly developed organisational skills. That tiny window into her services, also shouts non-verbally, I am the best and most affordable artist for you and then on acceptance of the commission, she sets about confirming this.
Her acumen, attention to detail, punctuality, passion, competency, dedication, ethically and morally driven work are all included in the service she provides. This is all brought about through her organisational skills, and in return she receives the deepest respect and recognition from her clients.
Obviously being organised pays good dividends in the business world, but what of the use of time in our personal realms?
Well of course time means different things to different people. But the reality of time is the same. It is no different for the rich, the poor, the young or the old. It ticks at the same pace no matter what you are engaged in doing. Enjoying yourself, or going through purgatory – it is all the same to time, as it silently travels at its unwavering pace.
Do you respect time? You should if you remember that cup of tea time I spoke of earlier. The cup is time, infinite. Your allotted time is the brew. The cup will always be here – you won’t be. Your prescribed time will inevitably run out. For time is a commodity – but only of use to the living. Once you’re out of time, you’re out of life, so June-Rose’s reminder that we should appreciate our allotted time, is very timely.
She asked, how many of us take the time, often enough, to stop and observe the beauty we are surrounded by? Do we tell those we love how we feel often enough? Time is usually spoken of in a disparaging way. “I’ve never got enough time! He’s got too much time on his hands! I haven’t got time for her! She does it time and time again, etc”
Someone asked June-Rose if the skill of organising herself so well, took long to achieve, and as she said, it did, but by working on it, she has managed to navigate and control her life better. Being organised, not only delights her, it arrests her life from slipping by in oblivion.
It has also given her the clarity to recognise the preciousness of time, to be able to live her life and not just allow life to pass her by. By listening to her own inner-voice, she has been able to influence the flow of her chosen life through her allotted time.
Another thing being organised has given June-Rose, is a great deal of self-respect. Not only her own respect for who she is, but from others who know they can rely on her, she is dependable, and deserving of their respect. There is also a great deal of calm confidence (inner and outer), that comes from being organised. Conversely, we all know what it’s like to be in the vicinity of someone in a fluster! It’s disconcerting and the vibe is not conducive to self-assurance or relaxation - at all!
This was a wonderful insight, advocating the advantages of being organised. It just made so much more sense, than to be like so many of us, who flap through life, asking ourselves where all the time went? As if some nasty thief has stolen it from us! I mean really!
At question time, it was noted that while organising yourself might be fine, there can be difficulties when other people are involved. But after discussion, we all agreed, that with good communication and respect for self and one another, this common problem can be resolved.
I wonder if our lack of appreciation for time, is because we received it for nothing? Maybe it’s also because time travels so quietly, we lull ourselves into thinking; our special brew will last forever. Because I’m sure, like me, you too have noticed, that when people are confronted with a bad health prognosis, time suddenly becomes very valuable.
Either way, after the presentation and from talking later with others, I know we all came away with a far broader appreciation of time, our responsibility to ourselves and others, to spend this sacred commodity wisely.
Thank you so much June-Rose, for this wonderful reminder, that although the cup of life often over flow’th, it will not flow forever (for anyone), so we would all benefit from honouring it for the divine gift that it is.
Ooops, I’m sorry, but my time has just run out. But only for now - I’m hoping. So until next time,
Toodle pip from me,
Bella H
